Custom Solutions

If your operations require unique functionality not fully supported by the Portside platform, please reach out to discuss your needs. We have built custom and semi-custom solutions for charter operators, governments and industrial customers in the United States, Europe and the Middle East.
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Custom solutions

Case studies

Crew case study


The Portside Support team worked closely with a US and Canadian customer to develop Crew functionality to enable our operator customers to manage crew assignments more efficiently, and increase operators’ profitability. You can read more about this product here.
Custom dashboard & analytics solution

Custom dashboard & analytics

We worked with an industrial fleet operator in the Middle East to develop a custom dashboard and analytics solution to help optimize crew and maintenance team workload and facilitate internal and external reporting. The custom reporting functionality we developed as part of this project is now available to all customers. You can read more about our Reporting & Analytics solutions here.

Our process

Portside development process
We work with your team to understand what you are trying to achieve and help draft product requirements.
Product design
We design the product, usually enabling you to interact with a clickable mock-up, so you know exactly what the product will do when built.
Once product design is approved, we begin development work. Frequently, we recommend product design changes at this stage, once we understand your data / integration dependencies better.
We work with you to effectively deploy the product to your internal users, stakeholders and owners, and frequently update the product when we have live feedback.


Business aviation industry
Business aviation industry
The business aviation industry has complex needs. We have been working in general and business aviation for over 10 years, and understand the industry and it's unique requirements well.
Development of complex, mission critical applications
Development of complex, mission critical applications
Aviation systems tend to be complex, and require multiple integrations into other systems you use. We understand how to develop systems that are easy to use, feature-rich, fault tolerant, and compliant with rigid security, audit and privacy requirements.
User-centric design
User-centric design
Aviation systems have many users: dispatch, sales, maintenance, accounting & finance, crew, customers, owners, etc. We understand the many users of business aviation applications, and develop systems that blend the complex functionality required with easy-to-use design, making our products easy to deploy and support.