Integrated Owner Billing

Streamlined, accurate & customizable owner & stakeholder billing for operators and flight departments.
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Integrated Owner Billing Integrated Owner Billing

Do you produce monthly statements for your owners or stakeholders?

For most of our customers, owner billing is a time-consuming and error-prone process that involves multiple sources of data, lots of iteration to make sure all the data is correct, nothing got double-billed, and no bills were omitted. Portside Integrated Billing streamlines this process.
Integrated billing streamlined


Before deploying the Portside Integrated Owner Billing product, many of our customers would take 7-20 days to close their books and issue owner statements.
Before deploying Portside's Integrated Owner Billing product


The Portside Integrated Owner Billing turns this messy, manual, time consuming and error-prone process into a quick monthly close, where you get paid quicker, owners are happy to have accurate, detailed invoices sooner.
Portside's Integrated Owner Billing Process

Portside integrated owner billing features:

Part 91 & Part 135 with advanced handling of cost of sales, mark-ups and discounts
Portside standard monthly statement that can be deployed in less than a week
Branded statements can be customized for each owner
Utilization, charter, fuel and trip log reports integrated into the monthly statement
Support for multiple accounting and scheduling systems
Custom categories and chart of accounts for each aircraft
Partial calculations
Multiple payment methods including ACH, wire and credit cards
Past due calculations
Multi-currency billing or customers who bill owners in more for one currency)
Publishing controls you are in control when the bill is released to the owner / stakeholders
Owner notifications trigger manual or automatic notifications when the statement is ready
Simplified billing enables you to publish your own statements to the owner


Portside supports customers on multiple scheduling, accounting, maintenance and expense management systems.

Integrated Owner Billing

Contact us to learn more or schedule a demo

We work with operators of every size around the world, and would be happy to learn more about your operation & discuss how we could help.
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Some of Our Customers

Portside supports customers operating 10,000+ aircraft in 30+ countries.

mayo mayo
WheelsUp WheelsUp
acijet acijet
priester priester
albinati albinati
mountain mountain
airshare airshare
skyservice skyservice